The Jaguar Foundation, founded by BBC Radio 1’s Jaguar Bingham, aims to make electronic music a more equal place for the next generation of creatives and emerging artists. It was set up to support a number of projects to help change the status quo – the under-representation of women in dance music, particularly Black women.
Impact at a glance
The Jaguar Foundation’s debut initiative Future1000, launched in 2020 in partnership with Sony Music’s Social Justice Fund and FutureDJs (now PLAYVirtuoso), aims to address the gender imbalance in electronic music by discovering 1,000 young women, trans and non-binary people from schools across the country, to take part in a DJ, production, and leadership programme.
The Social Justice Fund also backed an award-winning report by the Jaguar Foundation which explored Gender Representation in UK Dance Music and was published in August 2022. The report recommends improvements across areas such as education, accessible working environments, measurement of progress, safety and inclusion riders, and heightened awareness of line-ups and venues.
Find out more about The Jaguar Foundation here.
Project completed summer 2022.