Debate Mate combats social immobility and equips young people with key skills by delivering debate clubs to those aged 9-18 living in areas of high child poverty. Their debating programmes equip young people with critical and creative thinking skills, boosting communication, confidence, and teamwork and, in doing so, helping employability.
Impact at a glance
The Social Justice Fund is sponsoring the 2024 Sony Music UK Debate Mate Cup, the concluding event of the national debating competition. Working with around 200 primary and secondary state schools across the UK, the programme will bring the rigour plus the fun of debating and improve employability skills among young people.
In addition to the Cup, Sony Music UK’s Social Justice Fund will also subsidise a year of the Accelerate Programme, a debating and mentoring scheme targeting students who are at risk of exclusion, or who are disengaged with education, across eight schools in Manchester and London.